
Name ID
None None
Stinkiness Stinky
Fastidious Ellie
Cheery Disposition Joshua
Germaphobe Liam
Ancient Knowledge AncientKnowledge
Yokel CantResearch
Unconstructive CantBuild
Gastrophobia CantCook
Trypophobia CantDig
Squeamish Hemophobia
Pacifist ScaredyCat
Allergies Allergies
Nyctophobic NightLight
Mouth Breather MouthBreather
Bottomless Stomach CalorieBurner
Small Bladder SmallBladder
Anemic Anemic
Slow Learner SlowLearner
Noodle Arms NoodleArms
Building Impaired ConstructionDown
Critter Aversion RanchingDown
Undigging DiggingDown
Luddite MachineryDown
Kitchen Menace CookingDown
Unpracticed Artist ArtDown
Unempathetic CaringDown
Plant Murderer BotanistDown
Shabby Dresser DecorDown
Regenerative Regeneration
Deep Diver's Lungs DeeperDiversLungs
Sunny Disposition SunnyDisposition
Beefsteak RockCrusher
Uncultured Uncultured
Relic Hunter Archaeologist
Biohazardous WeakImmuneSystem
Irritable Bowel IrritableBowel
Flatulent Flatulence
Loud Sleeper Snorer
Narcoleptic Narcolepsy
Duress to Impress Thriver
Loner Loner
Starry Eyed StarryEyed
Glow Stick GlowStick
Radiation Eater RadiationEater
Twinkletoes Twinkletoes
Grease Monkey Greasemonkey
Mole Hands MoleHands
Quick Learner FastLearner
Diver's Lungs DiversLung
Buff StrongArm
Innately Stylish DecorUp
Green Thumb GreenThumb
Interior Decorator InteriorDecorator
Shrivelled Tastebuds SimpleTastes
Gourmet Foodie
Caregiver BedsideManner
Handy ConstructionUp
Animal Lover RanchingUp
Skilled: Hard Digging GrantSkill_Mining1
Skilled: Superhard Digging GrantSkill_Mining2
Skilled: Super-Duperhard Digging GrantSkill_Mining3
Skilled: Hazmat Digging GrantSkill_Mining4
Skilled: Improved Construction I GrantSkill_Building1
Skilled: Improved Construction II GrantSkill_Building2
Skilled: Demolition GrantSkill_Building3
Skilled: Improved Farming I GrantSkill_Farming1
Skilled: Crop Tending GrantSkill_Farming2
Skilled: Improved Farming II GrantSkill_Farming3
Skilled: Critter Ranching I GrantSkill_Ranching1
Skilled: Critter Ranching II GrantSkill_Ranching2
Skilled: Advanced Research GrantSkill_Researching1
Skilled: Field Research GrantSkill_Researching2
Skilled: Astronomy GrantSkill_Researching3
Skilled: Applied Sciences Research GrantSkill_Researching4
Skilled: Grilling GrantSkill_Cooking1
Skilled: Grilling II GrantSkill_Cooking2
Skilled: Art Fundamentals GrantSkill_Arting1
Skilled: Aesthetic Design GrantSkill_Arting2
Skilled: Masterworks GrantSkill_Arting3
Skilled: Improved Carrying I GrantSkill_Hauling1
Skilled: Improved Carrying II GrantSkill_Hauling2
Skilled: Exosuit Training GrantSkill_Suits1
Skilled: Improved Tinkering GrantSkill_Technicals1
Skilled: Electrical Engineering GrantSkill_Technicals2
Skilled: Mechatronics Engineering GrantSkill_Engineering1
Skilled: Improved Strength GrantSkill_Basekeeping1
Skilled: Plumbing GrantSkill_Basekeeping2
Skilled: Rocket Piloting GrantSkill_Astronauting1
Skilled: Rocket Navigation GrantSkill_Astronauting2
Skilled: Medicine Compounding GrantSkill_Medicine1
Skilled: Bedside Manner GrantSkill_Medicine2
Skilled: Advanced Medical Care GrantSkill_Medicine3
Iron Gut IronGut
Germ Resistant StrongImmuneSystem
Destructive Aggressive
Ugly Crier UglyCrier
Binge Eater BingeEater
Vomiter StressVomiter
Balloon Artist BalloonArtist
Sparkle Streaker SparkleStreaker
Sticker Bomber StickerBomber
Super Productive SuperProductive
Early Bird EarlyBird
Night Owl NightOwl
Claustrophobic Claustrophobic
Skinny PrefersWarmer
Pudgy PrefersColder
Delicate Feetsies SensitiveFeet
Fashionista Fashionable
Vertigo Prone Climacophobic
Solitary Sleeper SolitarySleeper
Workaholic Workaholic
Sweepy SweepBotBaseTrait
Duplicant MinionBaseTrait
Royal Nymph LightBugPurpleBaseTrait
Vole Pup MoleBaseTrait
Gassy Moo MooBaseTrait
Slickster Larva OilfloaterBaseTrait
Longhair Larva OilfloaterDecorBaseTrait
Molten Larva OilfloaterHighTempBaseTrait
Puftlet Prince PuftAlphaBaseTrait
Coral Bug LightBugPinkBaseTrait
Squeaky Puft PuftBleachstoneBaseTrait
Puftlet PuftBaseTrait
Dense Puftlet PuftOxyliteBaseTrait
Rover ScoutRoverBaseTrait Spaced Out
Pip SquirrelBaseTrait
Plug Sluglet StaterpillarBaseTrait Spaced Out
Sun Nymph LightBugOrangeBaseTrait
Beeta Hive BeeHiveBaseTrait Spaced Out
Beetiny BeeBaseTrait Spaced Out
Pokeshell CrabBaseTrait
Sweetle DivergentBeetleBaseTrait Spaced Out
Grubgrub DivergentWormBaseTrait Spaced Out
Drecklet DreckoBaseTrait
Glossy Drecklet DreckoPlasticBaseTrait
Hatch HatchBaseTrait
Stone Hatch HatchHardBaseTrait
Smooth Hatch HatchMetalBaseTrait
Sage Hatch HatchVeggieBaseTrait
Abyss Nymph LightBugBlackBaseTrait
Azure Nymph LightBugBlueBaseTrait
Shine Nymph LightBugBaseTrait
Radiant Nymph LightBugCrystalBaseTrait
Morb GlomBaseTrait
Thimble Reed BasicFabricPlantOriginal
Pincha Pepperplant SpiceVineOriginal
Grubfruit Plant SuperWormPlantOriginal Spaced Out
SwampHarvestPlant SwampHarvestPlantOriginal Spaced Out
Balm Lily SwampLilyOriginal
Tranquil Toes ToePlantOriginal Spaced Out
Mellow Mallow WineCupsOriginal Spaced Out
Spindly Grubfruit Plant WormPlantOriginal Spaced Out
Dasha Saltvine SaltPlantOriginal
Bluff Briar PrickleGrassOriginal
Waterweed SeaLettuceOriginal
Oxyfern OxyfernOriginal
Arbor Tree ForestTreeBranchOriginal
Hydrocactus FilterPlantOriginal Spaced Out
Sporechid EvilFlowerOriginal
Bliss Burst CylindricaOriginal Spaced Out
Bristle Blossom PrickleFlowerOriginal
Saturn Critter Trap CritterTrapPlantOriginal Spaced Out
Jumping Joya CactusPlantOriginal
Buddy Bud BulbPlantOriginal
Nosh Sprout BeanPlantOriginal
Mealwood BasicSingleHarvestPlantOriginal
Sleet Wheat ColdWheatOriginal
Arbor Tree ForestTreeOriginal
Dusk Cap MushroomPlantOriginal
Mirth Leaf LeafyPlantOriginal
Gas Grass GasGrassOriginal
Tropical Pacu PacuTropicalBaseTrait
Gulp Fry PacuCleanerBaseTrait
Pacu Fry PacuBaseTrait
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