
Name ID
Die Die
Entombed Entombed
Wash Hands SuitMarker
Wait at Checkpoint Checkpoint
Enter Transit Tube TravelTubeEntrance
Wash Hands WashHands
Heal HealCritical
Incapacitated BeIncapacitated
Use Neural Vacillator GeneShuffle
Use Teleporter Migrate
DebugGoTo DebugGoTo
Move to MoveTo
Rocket Recrewing RocketEnterExit
Drop Inventory DropUnusedInventory
Relieve Self Pee
Recover Breath RecoverBreath
Flee Flee
Move to Quarantine MoveToQuarantine
Express Themselves EmoteIdle
Express Themselves Emote
Express Themselves EmoteHighPriority
Express Themselves StressEmote
Stress Vomit StressVomit
Ugly Cry UglyCry
Binge Eat BingeEat
Lash Out StressActingOut
Vomit Vomit
Cough Cough
Radiation Aches RadiationPain
Learn Skill SwitchHat
Antsy StressIdle
Rescue Friend RescueIncapacitated
Downtime: Use Toilet BreakPee
Eat Eat
Narcoleptic Nap Narcolepsy
Dock Exosuit ReturnSuitUrgent
Rest SleepDueToDisease
Sleep Sleep
Take Medicine TakeMedicine
Visit Doctor GetDoctored
Rest RestDueToDisease
Scrub Ore ScrubOre
Deliver Food DeliverFood
Sigh Sigh
Heal Heal
Shower Shower
Learn Skill LearnSkill
Unlearn Skills UnlearnSkill
Equip Equip
Joy Reaction JoyReaction
Rocket Control RocketControl
De-Stress StressHeal
Party Party
Relax Relax
Recharge Equipment Recharge
Unequip Unequip
Mourn Mourn
Attack Attack
Treat Patient DoctorChore
Change Setting Toggle
Wrangle Capture
Relocate Critter CreatureFetch
Ranching Supply RanchingFetch
Sing To Egg EggSing
Space Mission Astronaut
Life Support Supply FetchCritical
Decorate Art
Empty Storage EmptyStorage
Mop Mop
Relocate Relocate
Disinfect Disinfect
Repair Repair
Repair Supply RepairFetch
Deconstruct Deconstruct
Demolish Demolish
Research Research
Research Supply ResearchFetch
Generate Power GeneratePower
Tend CropTend
Tinker PowerTinker
Tinker MachineTinker
Operational Supply MachineFetch
Harvest Harvest
Farming Supply FarmFetch
Uproot Uproot
Clean Outhouse CleanToilet
Empty Desalinator EmptyDesalinator
Use Fan LiquidCooledFan
Use Fan IceCooledFan
Train Train
Cook Cook
Cook Supply CookFetch
Medical Supply DoctorFetch
Ranch Ranch
Power Supply PowerFetch
Flip FlipCompost
Depressurize Well Depressurize
Fabricate FarmingFabricate
Fabricate PowerFabricate
Compound Medicine Compound
Fabricate Fabricate
Fabrication Supply FabricateFetch
Store Food FoodFetch
Sweep Transport
Build Build
Construction Dig BuildDig
Construction Supply BuildFetch
Dig Dig
Deliver Fetch
Store Materials StorageFetch
Store Equipment EquipmentFetch
Find Safe Area MoveToSafety
Dock Exosuit ReturnSuitIdle
Idle IdleChore
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